I'm the catalyst
for your
personal & spiritual growth
Hi everybody!
My name is Amy Ewald, and I'd like to welcome you to my cozy corner of the internet.
I am a beloved disciple of Jesus Christ passionate about continual growth & development, particularly in the area of discipleship and stewardship.
I believe that each and every one of us (that includes YOU!) have been wonderfully and uniquely created in God's image, and that our purpose is to live that out daily to honor Him.
My life mission - whether in my role as a spouse, mother, friend, or coach - is to love as I am loved, and to disciple as I am discipled.
I help people who are experiencing (or have experienced) an identity crisis to uncover, be, and live out their God-given identity DAILY.
I do this by actively listening, selectively reflecting, and intentionally giving YOU space to allow the Spirit to reveal (to you) insights about YOUR OWN IDENTITY.
You can find details on how I serve here.
Wherever I can be found, I share honest thoughts, stories, emotions, challenges, and insights that I have experienced while learning about my own identity and purpose.
I've also written a book about my own journey of finding myself: you can find out more about the book here or read the first chapter here for free.
I hope all these resources will be helpful to you too.
With all that said, happy exploring.
I'm stoked you're here.
I'd love to hear from you: Who are YOU and what’s your story?
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Read My Full Story
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Made it all the way down here and want to know more?
Here are some not-so-secret & surprising facts about me!
Dr Hoo (pronounced who); it's my maiden name. I'm the female, lady-boss version in the flesh!
On his doorstep. I was working as a door-to-door salesperson and knocked on his door. We married 6 months after.
ENFP, but it's a close call on the introvert-extrovert and thinking-feeling scale.
My 5 top Clifton Strengths are Harmoney, Maximizer, Intellection, Futuristic, and Connectedness.
The beach. The pool. Anywhere with a good body of water. It's the medium in which I feel closest to God.
A good Shandy (mix of beer and lemonade). Hubby thinks it's a waste of good beer, but loves me enough to buy lemonade everytime he has beer.
I LOVE a good Korean drama. TV is the way I chill!