Books I recommend
This book, alongside the 24-7 Prayer movement played a pivotal part in shaping the discipline of prayer in my life.
It will challenge you, convict you, shape you, but most importantly, it will motivate you to do more of what we all need to: pray.
Why is God silent?
What do you do when God is silent?
I can summarize the book for you in one sentence: Jesus is there. He was there first, and he is there with us in the silence. But to get the meat of how you can engage with Jesus in this silence, I encourage you to read the book.
The title explains it all.
Jordan Raynor is THE man when it comes to getting things done (GTD). This book isn't just spiritual, it's also very practical.
Want to be productive and get things done? Read the book. Do the work. You WILL get things done.
This book emphasizes the importance of soul friends - companions that help you travel well in your walk with God.
I related 100% with every single part of this book; it was very enlightening to know that deep, soul friendships is not just a desire or a want, but a need.
This book, so contrary to the 'normal' hustle and grind culture of the world, helped shape my work culture when I first started out in business.
One of the insights I got from this book is how important rest is: to rest is to trust. A must-read for the busy and overworked entrepreneur/business owner!
I LOVE this book!
I learned so many stewardship principles from this book - it was the foundation (apart from the bible of course) and the thing that really kickstarted my stewardship journey.
True abundance is measured not by how much we have, but by how much we give .... because there's always more. Pure gold.
Skye Jethani talks in this book about the different postures we have when relating to God: Under, Over, For, From, and With.
Personally, I've lived most of my life amongst the first four postures. It wasn't until around 2020 that I truly understood what living WITH God is like - so much freedom and joy!